Acti-Kare has been providing in-home care services for over 15 years and has helped thousands of people in similar situations. All of our caregivers are bonded, insured, reference...
Our mission is to enrich lives. That begins with every life we encounter: Our employees, our patients and those who love and care for them, the communities in which we operate, our...
Comfort Keepers is widely recognized as a leading provider of quality in-home senior care. The company was founded in 1998 and has nearly 500 offices nationwide. Comfort Keepers uses...
SYNERGY HomeCare is a franchise company founded in 1999 offering a full range of non-medical home care services. All caregivers go through a careful interviewing process, national...
Visiting Angels is a national, private duty network of home care agencies and is the nation`s leader for providing non-medical senior care. Visiting Angels is the most recognized and...
Walton Okaloosa Council On Aging is licensed by the state of Florida to provide homemaker and companion services. Their HCS license number is 5655. Walton Okaloosa Council On...
Home Instead Senior Care has been serving seniors and their loved ones since 1994. Recognizing the value of aging in place, they offer a broad range of services that can be tailored...
Interim HealthCare is the nation's oldest health care franchise company. They offer a variety of home care services for people of all ages, from infants to the elderly. Interim's mission,...
Generations Home Care Corporation is licensed by the state of Florida to provide homemaker and companion services. Their HCS license number is 235578. Generations Home Care Corporation...
We are a locally owned business that opened in 2011. Our goal is to help those you love, to remain at home, and be a support to the family. Give us a call, to see what we do. 850-974-1805...
Sunshine Homecare, Inc is licensed by the state of Florida to provide homemaker and companion services. Their HCS license number is 235136. Sunshine Homecare, Inc employs individuals...
Elder Services Of Okaloosa County is licensed by the state of Florida to provide homemaker and companion services. Their HCS license number is 229250. Elder Services Of Okaloosa...
Amor Vivit Home Care, LLC is licensed by the state of Florida to provide homemaker and companion services. Their HCS license number is 235560. Amor Vivit Home Care, LLC employs...
Out And About is licensed by the state of Florida to provide homemaker and companion services. Their HCS license number is 234947. Out And About employs individuals to do household...
4012 commons dr ste 224-c
destin, FL 32541
Provider Number: 109595
Medicare Certified: 2010
11 racetrack road ne suite h-3
fort walton beach, FL 32547
Provider Number: 108181
Medicare Certified: 2005
340 beal parkway nw ste a
fort walton beach, FL 32548
Provider Number: 107240
Medicare Certified: 1987
2207 s ferdon blvd
crestview, FL 32539
Provider Number: 107535
Medicare Certified: 1996
5041 n 12 avenue
pensacola, FL 32504
Provider Number: 107423
Medicare Certified: 1991
6202 n 9th ave ste 4
pensacola, FL 32504
Provider Number: 683196
Medicare Certified: 2015
8880 university pkwy ste b
pensacola, FL 32514
Provider Number: 108168
Medicare Certified: 2005
401 e chase st ste 200
pensacola, FL 32502
Provider Number: 107006
Medicare Certified: 1966
127 s alcaniz st
pensacola, FL 32502
Provider Number: 103138
Medicare Certified: 2012
4900 bayou blvd ste 201
pensacola, FL 32503
Provider Number: 108309
Medicare Certified: 2006
2525 n palafox st ste b
pensacola, FL 32501
Provider Number: 108240
Medicare Certified: 2005
Headquarters: Pensacola, FL 32505
Primary Phone: 850-494-7100
Home Health Care in Niceville, FL can be categorized as either non-medical (home care) or Medicare certified (home health). Non-medical home care includes personal care and help with everyday activities, while Medicare certified home health involves skilled nursing and rehabilitation. Elderly residents of Niceville, FL may require home health after an injury or illness, whereas non-medical home care is provided long-term to seniors with declining physical and mental abilities. This directory includes agencies near Niceville, FL and the surrounding areas. It's not uncommon for agencies to cover multiple counties. Pay close attention to minimum hours and affiliations / recognitions. Call to compare rates and keep in mind that the average cost of a home health aide in Niceville, FL is $20 per hour (according to John Hancock's 2016 Cost of Care Survey). Finally, contact your local Area Agency on Aging to ask about family caregiver respite and senior transportation services.
The material on this site is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for legal, financial, professional, or medical advice or diagnosis or treatment.
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