Home Health Care in
Spearfish, SD 57783

Comfort Keepers Of Rapid City  
Personal Care Homemaking

6 miles from Spearfish, SD

Comfort Keepers is widely recognized as a leading provider of quality in-home senior care. The company was founded in 1998 and has nearly 500 offices nationwide. Comfort Keepers uses...

Interim Healthcare Of Spearfish  

6 miles from Spearfish, SD

Interim HealthCare is the nation's oldest health care franchise company. They offer a variety of home care services for people of all ages, from infants to the elderly. Interim's mission,...

1440 north main
spearfish, SD 57783

Provider Number: 437037
Medicare Certified: 1992

2398 5th ave suite 101
belle fourche, SD 57717

Provider Number: 437081
Medicare Certified: 2008

1104 jackson blvd suite b
rapid city, SD 57702

Provider Number: 437086
Medicare Certified: 2015

1301 w omaha, ste 205
rapid city, SD 57701

Provider Number: 437300
Medicare Certified: 2002

South Dakota Office of Adult Services & Aging

Headquarters: Pierre, SD 57501

Primary Phone: 605-773-3656

Email: asaging@dss.state.sd.us  

Home Health Care in Spearfish, SD can be categorized as either non-medical (home care) or Medicare certified (home health). Non-medical home care includes personal care and help with everyday activities, while Medicare certified home health involves skilled nursing and rehabilitation. Elderly residents of Spearfish, SD may require home health after an injury or illness, whereas non-medical home care is provided long-term to seniors with declining physical and mental abilities. This directory includes agencies near Spearfish, SD and the surrounding areas. It's not uncommon for agencies to cover multiple counties. Pay close attention to minimum hours and affiliations / recognitions. Call to compare rates and keep in mind that the average cost of a home health aide in Spearfish, SD is $22 per hour (according to John Hancock's 2016 Cost of Care Survey). Finally, contact your local Area Agency on Aging to ask about family caregiver respite and senior transportation services.

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