3M Durapore Silk Like Surgical Tape:
Multi-use silk medical tape that is always a good idea to have on hand. Adheres well to skin, dressings and tubes etc. Use skin prep pads to enhance adherence and protect skin from possible irritation.
3M Micropore Paper Surgical Tape:
Keep some on hand to help secure dressings with minimal skin irritation as paper tape known to be very gentle and slin friendly. Works well for frequent dressing change situations.
3M Transpore Clear Plastic Surgical Tape:
Transpore tape is easy to tear into very thin strips, and is simpler to use even with gloves on.
Bioseal Adhesive Montgomery Strap:
Often used by nurses for frequent dressing changes required and need to preserve skin integrity. By using these as anchor tapes that stay on for days along side wound eliminating need to re-apply tape each time or other adherent dressings that cause skin breakdown. Twill ties can be used to secure or can use cut gauze from roll or other ties on hand.
BSN Cover Roll Adhesive Fixation Dressing:
My all-time favorite type of tape to secure a dressing. It adheres exceptionally well but at the same is easy to remove and more comfortable than other types of tape I have used. I have found that it is especially gentle on older patients' skin which is prone to tearing and breaking down upon repeated dressing changes. I even keep a roll at home for first aid measures. Although expensive, it lasts a long time and you simply cut off what you need from the roll each time. If undecided on width go with the larger size as you can always cut less but can't add to it.
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